Saturday, February 29, 2020

10 methods to prevent webserver overload

10 methods to prevent webserver overload Causes of overload are various. At any time, web servers can be overloaded due to reasons like: Web servers incomplete availability- This can happen because of expected or necessary support or update, hardware or software crashes, back-end malfunctions, etc. In these circumstances, the rest of the web servers get too much traffic and grow overloaded. Surplus logical web traffic numerous clients which are connecting to the website within a brief interval may cause an overload in the web server. Computer worms and XSS viruses that will cause irregular traffic due to millions of infected computers, browsers or web servers. Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DoS attack, DDoS attack). A denial-of-service attack or distributed denial-of-service attack is an effort to make a computer or network device unavailable to its proposed users. Network slowdowns so that client requests are completed more slowly and the number of connections increases so much that server limits are approached. The implications of an overloaded web server are: Overload results in a delayed serving of requests from 1 second to a few hundred seconds. All are familiar with the 404-error code just like that the web server returns an HTTP error code, such as 500, 502, 503, 504, 408, etc which are inappropriate overload condition. The web server denies or resets TCP connections before it returns any content. Sometimes the web server delivers only a part of the requested content. This can be studied as a bug, even if it normally occurs as a symptom of overload. How to prevent overload of web servers To partly master above average load limits and to prevent overload, several big websites practice standard techniques like for instance: Controlling network traffic, by using Firewalls to block undesired traffic coming from poor IP sources or having inadequate patterns. HTTP traffic managers can be placed to drop, redirect or rewrite requests which have poor HTTP patterns. To smooth the peaks in the network usage bandwidth management and traffic shaping can be done Expanding web cache methods Implementing different domain names to subserve different content by separate web servers. Employing different domain names or computers to separate big files from small and medium-sized files. The idea is to be able to fully cache small and medium-sized files and sufficiently serve big or huge files by using different settings Using many internet servers or programs per computer, each one connected to its own network card and IP address Using many computers that are arranged together behind a load balancer so that they perform or seen as one large web server Combining more hardware devices to each computer. Tuning OS parameters for hardware capacities and usage Adopting more efficient computer programs for web servers, etc. Practicing other workarounds, particularly if dynamic content is included.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

B300 TMA05 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

B300 TMA05 - Essay Example In a competitive industry, the powerful will exploit the powerless to their advantage in the relentless pursuit of self interest. Buyers exert power through their ability to switch suppliers and/or demand more favorable terms and conditions of their transactions. Suppliers exert power by virtue of their control of important resources, and the resulting ability to raise prices or reduce quality. Technology, although critical to the success of a business, is common in all segments and has lost its core function. Services, software and hardware are easily replicated by suppliers, hampering innovation and decreasing the strategic importance of technology. However, the role of technology in competitive advantage cannot be denied. It is important to note that it is not the technology itself, but how the technology is used and integrated into the business process that creates the competitive advantage among firms. Both iRobot and Dyson belong to an industry which is triggered by consistent innovation of new products. Strategic alliances play an important role in developing competitive advantage in these firms. Strategic alliances play an important part in product development and distribution strategies. They rely on strategic alliances to provide technology, complementary product offerings and speedier access to markets. In a highly competitive market, technology acts as the differentiating factor that sets innovative firms apart from the others. Porter (2001) argues that, companies will gain the competitive advantage only if the use technology to complement their existing business strategies, products and best practices. Companies should use technology as a valuable corporate asset and should differentiate itself from competitors by achieving a sustainable competitive advantage by having low operational costs, value added products, low production costs and excellent customer service. Dyson bulids vaccum cleaners that guarantee no loss of suction by using Root Cyclone technology that separate the dirt from air. Bargaining power of buyers There are a large number of companies competing against each other, in a constant struggle to innovate products that suit customer needs in the varying environment. Customers, therefore, have a variety of products to choose from. Companies differentiate from one another through product innovation and customer service. iRobot strives to continuously improve their robots and exceed customer expectations by delivering highly reliable, high performance robots and providing world class support and service. Dyson makes vaccum cleaners that are guaranteed a life over 5 years by developing them to resist rough circumstances with no extra costs involved. Since buyers are large, they exhibit very little control over the market with lower bargaining power. Firms compete with innovating products that provide unique solutions to customer needs. Firms also provide complimentary products to gain better customer base for their existing products. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers for specialized innovative products may not be very large in number and therefore may exhibit much bargaining power. Bargaining power is high for major suppliers of specialized materials and equipment who are

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Islam in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islam in Europe - Essay Example The chief among them is that Islamic law differs from the laws of ‘first world’ countries of Europe, and that Islam dominates lifestyle and culture of millions of Muslims in Europe (Roald, 2001, p 295- 296). Islam: Family Law The Islamic family law does not support the ‘liberal -minded ‘European family law. In European countries family laws support step families, unmarried spouse, nuclear families, free mixing of both the sexes, and above all, the equality of sexes. Conventional Islamic law holds male members of a family to be superior compared to their female counterparts. More importance is given to them and they also hold decision making power. Also, Islam propagates the doctrine of large family with many members (BuChler, 2013, p 100). Many orthodox Muslim families in Europe still abide by the Islamic family law which separates the rules and rights of women from men. However, in European countries like Bulgaria, modern age Muslim families are denouncing s ecularism (Ghodsee, 2009, p 5). The newer generations of Muslims are more in support of ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘tolerance’ policies that are held by European nations. They are not much affected by the fact that predominantly Islamic nations like Egypt has stressed CEDAW, 15th and 16th article denying formal equality of rules and right among men and women. In other words, Muslims in Europe are trying to redefine their identity outside the realm of Islam (BuChler, 2013, p 100). Conventions and Practices: With change of perspectives and outlooks, social practices are also changing among Islamic families. As in England one can find that marriages are still held through the ‘nikah’ ceremony. It is not recognized by the English court of law. With the changing of perspectives, around two-thirds of Muslim couples are marrying again to enjoy the protection of English legal systems. Also, they are renouncing pluralism of marriages as it is not recognized . They are holding their religious roots on one hand and on the other adopting the newer form. This scenario can be found all over Europe (BuChler, 2013, p 77). ‘Talaq’, another important provision of Islamic family law is â€Å"taken into consideration in gender- neutral divorce law and legal practice†. Also, in Europe, no direct legal measures taken against polygamy as because European courts do not hold polygamy as an unlawful act (BuChler, 2013, p 100). Though from time to time social issues have been raised about use of head- covering or hijab, many Muslim women still continue to wear them as a part of their religious convention. Islam: Law Council In European countries, Muslims have their own quasi- judicial institutions. These institutions are basically the shari?ah law councils which impart judgment to large sections of Muslim communities in Europe, as most Muslims in Europe do not recognize the authority and legitimacy of any other legal system. Thus the y turn up to these councils mostly with problems regarding family matters. The law councils have a separate code of law and adopt unconventional modes of settling disputes, formulated according to legal norms of Islam. One such country is England where the unofficial yet autonomous shari?ah courts serve millions of Muslims (BuChler, 2013, p 76-77). Durham,  Kirkham,  & Torfs (2012, p 6) insist that from the view point of European Courts, no discrimination is made between Muslims and non- Muslim subjects, though their ways of resolving or